“I had always been proud of and complimented on my handwriting, but Parkinson’s had turned it into something I didn’t quite recognize as mine. After completing the Micrographia workshop and utilizing the suggestions in the workbook, my handwriting looks like mine again. The practice sessions were “key” in retraining the movement between brain and hand. I highly recommend the methods used to combat Micrographia."
Let's Combat Micrographia Workshop Graduate
Maryellen Cranston
“After my handwriting became so cramped and small that I could no longer read it, I had no hope that I could ever recover it. After the first week of doing the Let’s Combat Micrographia Workshop, I had to sign my name. The letters reminded me of a baby trying to walk for the first time. They were wobbly, but they were legible for the first time in years. This workshop has been an invaluable lifeline in my continued fight against my Parkinson’s Plus disease.”
Let's Combat Micrographia Workshop Graduate
Tim MacMillian
“When I took the class and did the assignments required I was just flabbergasted with the results and that I was getting my groove back in my writing and my self-esteem along with my self-confidence was at an all time high that my fancy handwriting was coming back! You can't go wrong - you can only go write!”